
Shinjuku NEWoMan新宿NEWoMan

2016.8 - 2016.11Rooftop Restaurant

shinjuku newoman


A luxury camp to enjoy in the big city.都会で楽しむラグジュアリーキャンプ

You can enjoy authentic cooking at a meeting place setting a wide space with grass of about 400 ㎡ on the roof of NEWoMan. Incorporating organic cultural elements, combining seasonal ingredients for special recipes prepared by professionals, these seasonal ingredients selected by the guests themselves, it is possible to enjoy these flavors on the great location that is the rooftop. A wonderful outdoor activity.



Planning: August 2016-November 2016
Business Details: Provided for Active RooftopsProperty Management
Client: Shinjuku NEWoMan


プランニング: 2016.8 – 2016.11
業務内容: 屋上活用提案プロパティマネジメント
クライアント名: ニュウマン新宿店



Farm to green table

A “glamping” space where easy communication, without hesitation, is possible, has been made on the roof of NEWoMan Shinjuku. With no boundaries between guests and guest and staff, it is possible to spend time enjoyably, with a sense of integration. The whole production was supervised by Hal Yamashita’s Executive Chef Hal Yamashita who set up stores around the world based in Roppongi. While being outdoors, you can enjoy a full-blown party set by the pros, enjoying the sophisticated moment while feeling nature such as sunlight and wind with the theme “Luxury Camp Enjoyed in Big City” .


オープンマインドで気軽にコミュニケーションを取りやすい「グランピング空間」をニュウマン新宿店の屋上に創出しました。ゲストとスタッフ、そしてゲスト同士が境界を持たず一体感を持って過ごすことができるような工夫がなされています。全体プロデュースは六本木を拠点に世界中に店舗を構える『HAL YAMASHITA 東京』のエグゼクティブシェフであるハル山下さんに監修いただきました。屋外ながらプロの手ほどきで本格的なパーティーを楽しむことができ、『都会で楽しむラグジュアリーキャンプ』をテーマに日の光や風など自然を感じつつ、「洗練されたひととき」をお楽しみいただいております。

