
Thoughts concerning the founding of NI-WANI-WA設立の想い

2016-11-01Case of the world

株式会社NI-WA 代表取締役 吉川 稔


From the Lehman Shock of 2008, I feel that people with sense and high capacity for creating who edit information in their fields and transmit it on the internet have increased.


With the increase of curated information, I think the sense of values in America, Europe, and Japan has changed. That is, those who have been stimulated begin acting with their own since of values. Until now, I was active in the fashion world and the food and drink industry, so I felt a big change in the lifestyle fields of clothing, food, and residence.


The change in lifestyles does not extend the conventional business, but rather, doing business is required from the standpoint of customers and users. Further, without practical technology, desires cannot be responded to.


Fortunately, our parent company TOHO-LEO has green technology, and the trust and experience we have cultivated up to now. Making use of this background and my management experience, I want to respond to the change in lifestyles. Further, I thought there was a need for an organization that plan and direct from the standpoint of the customers and users, leading to our foundation


I wanted to make a company that gets rid of barriers for users, makes a platform for community, and can realize those subconsciously wanted needs.











Concerning the name NI-WANI-WAの名前について


“Garden” differs depending on the country and region, and has developed from antiquity in a form suitable for the environment and culture.They also differ depending on the ideas and passion of their makers.


However, what is common to all “gardens” is respect for nature and the humble idea that humans are a part of nature, and the various types of gardens and the thoughts underlying these are what, right now, are needed.


The company name was set as “NI-WA,” paying homage to the “garden,” with the general conceptual meaning of newly making “NI-WA.”





